First and Foremost, a Solid Foundation of Magnesium, and it’s cofactors, is
necessary before you add in the B Vitamins.
Once you have your foundation set, and you are accustomed to taking magnesium and it’s cofactors, then you are set to add in the B Vitamins!
From Rowyn A. (Thiamine Queen 👑)
A B complex such as B Minus by Seeking Health seems to be more tolerated by those with MTHFR (& the general population as well). “B Minus takes out the methylated Bs, since even with the need for methylation, many kids cannot take the methyl forms and [do not] tolerate them very well. You need ALL the Bs for methylation, really.”
“I would only add that you need lots of magnesium to offset the B6. B6 can be irritating and increases phenol and sulphur issues when magnesium is too low, EVEN though they badly need it. Also, B Minus should be your base starting point, give it in the morning, its energizing. Some kids may react with a flush to the niacin in the B Minus. This is harmless but alarming. Giving a dose of niacinimide with the B Miuns can help. You CAN also use a B complex that has methyl B12 and methyl folate, I like Thorne’s B6 complex, if your child tolerates those. Most kids will need ADDITIONAL and SEPERATE B1, B2 and sometimes even more B6 in the afternoon, too. Worry about those after you get the B Minus going. Some people just give 1/2 a B Minus in the morning and 1/2 in the afternoon when starting out, too… I would try very hard to give a B complex, versus separate B vitamins, in the morning, at least…”
After *this* is tolerated, you then would add in your ‘single’ b vitamins, in addition to: magnesium & it’s cofactors & B minus complex.
Next you add b12. Then, once you have all *these* going, you can add in b1 (thiamine), b2 (riboflavin), b3 (niacin), b7 (biotin), etc.
However, it all starts with magnesium & it’s cofactors.
1 – Magnesium and it’s cofactors, 5mgs/lb of body weight (breastfeeding mothers add their weight in lbs to baby’s weight in lbs).
(1 &) 2 – Seeking Health B Minus (finish bottle)
(1 & 2 & ) 3 – then you have the option to choose what forms of B12 and Folate you want to take on the side… 1/4 [for a child] capsule in the a.m., with MAGNESIUM, which can be given throughout the day. If it makes child hyper/irritated, keep going with the magnesium first, then try to re-add the B vitamins…
“I only give methyl folate every few days since my child doesn’t do well with methyl donors. These nutrients don’t ‘just’ support methylation, either 🙂 There are many other body processes they [these nutrients] are a necessary component of.” ~Rowyn
Vital Nutrients B12 & Methylfolate
(1 & 2 & 3 &) 4 – OPTIONAL: additional B6 in the form of p-5-p
“B Minus does NOT have quite as much active B6, p-5-p, as I would like to see, however, it does have some pyridoxine, which is the other form of B6. The kids who are already well adjusted with magnesium will be able to tolerate it, but they will likely need additional B6 in the form of p-5-p. Seeking Health brand has B6 in the form of p-5-p as well, in 25 mg capsules…
“Magnesium and vitamin B-6: The use of these (given together) has been shown to improve autistic behaviors, including social interaction, communication, and stereotypical behaviors 22, and improve hyperactivity in some children 44. Typical doses are: magnesium at 6 mg/kg/day and vitamin B-6 at 0.6 mg/kg/day 22; sometimes higher doses are used under physician supervision.”
22: Mousain-Bosc,M.,etal.,Improvementof neurobehavioral disorders in children supplemented with magnesium-vitamin B6. II. Pervasive developmental disorder-autism. Magnes Res, 2006. 19(1): p. 53-62.
44: Mousain-Bosc,M.,etal.,MagnesiumVitB6intake reduces central nervous system hyperexcitability in children. J Am Coll Nutr, 2004. 23(5): p. 545S-548S.
(1 & 2 & 3 & 4 &) 5 – B1, Thiamine and B2, Riboflavin:
“…because a B1 deficiency affects the autonomic system, it will affect appetite. …
both anorexia AND/OR voracious overeating [can be attributed] to be[ing] deficient in thiamine.
So when these PANS/PANDAS kids are flaring and they stop eating, it may be an indication that they are magnesium and/or thiamine deficient (remember during flares, STRESS rapidly depletes magnesium.
A magnesium deficiency will automatically result in a lack of active B1 since it cannot work without magnesium)…”
“Magnesium needs B1, thiamine. Thiamine works WITH magnesium, any magnesium deficiency will automatically mean a thiamine deficiency. Look up Dr Lonsdale and thiamine, he’s the guru on B1…
A Review of the Biochemistry, Metabolism and Clinical Benefits of Thiamin(e) and Its Derivatives “
(1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 &) 6 – OPTIONAL: B7, Biotin
“Note B Minus by Seeking Health has extra B5; for those using higher dose biotin, you can give the biotin at other times and use Seeking Health in the AM. and you should have enough B5… Biotin in HIGH dose should be given away from the other B vitamins, you can give some with the others. You only need the B2 when you are giving extra thiamine above the amount in the B complex.”
Niacin – B3 – Careful you will flush!
Supposed to help with sugar cravings?