#Magnesium and the #Bs fb link
Link to page with important supplements
How much magnesium?
- Take your weight in lbs (not kgs) and multiply times x 5 and this equals = the total number of mgs of magnesium that you work your way up to, for maintenance levels of magnesium.
- If you are breastfeeding, take the total weight of yourself plus add the weight of your baby; you take your two weights combined, in lbs, and multiply times x 5.
This comes from therootcauseprotocol dot com and the magnesium advocacy fb group:
What goes with magnesium; What are the cofactors?
Don’t forget magnesium’s cofactors: b6, bicarbonate and boron.
🌀vitamin B-6 gets Magnesium into cells…
🌀Bicarbonate gets Magnesium into Mitochondria…
🌀Boron keeps Magnesium in cells
(Further down, after the forms of magnesium, you will find more cofactor information).
What kind of magnesium should you consider taking?
You can mix it up, or, stick to one kind; just make sure it all adds up to the the daily total – the daily number of mgs of magnesium needed for maintenance level (work your way there).
However, no Magnesium Citrate, also known as Natural Calm. Citrate depletes ceruloplasmin, which is what transports iron & copper to where it needs to go in the body.
Rowyn A. (Thiamine Queen 👑)
& the Magnesium Advocacy Group and gotmag dot org
For Kids (and Adults) you can try the magnesium forms below.
You can even use more than one type, just add together the mgs to get to your daily maintenance level:
(Consider (1) and (2), as they have a cofactor in them)
(1) Tablets of Malate with B6, for those who can swallow pills.
This product, Jigsaw Health Mag SRT, has the cofactor of B6 in it, so all you need in addition is Bicarbonate & Boron.
(2) Magnesium Glycinate (many find that this kind of magnesium, magnesium glycinate, isn’t a good fit for people/children in the biomed world. This is something for you to research further for yourself).
Magnesium Glycinate is seen as calming (test this out, as each individual is different). Most are able to take glycinate without any issues.
Don’t forget the cofactors!
This Magnesium glycinate powder is good at night, if you find that magnesium glycinate is calming for you. Some do find it to be excitatory product, so try for the first time when you can feel out its effects. This product has the cofactor of Bicarbonate in it, so all you need in addition is B6 & Boron (more about cofactors below).
(3) Magnesium glycinate: Don’t forget the cofactors!
*I have discovered that when I take 1 capsule of pure encapsulations magnesium glycinate and 1 capsule of pure encapsulations taurine, I get calm and sleepy!
Don’t forget the cofactors! B6, Bicarbonate & Boron (more about cofactors below)
(4) Powdered Magnesium Glycinate (put in a smoothie? Give to your child?)
Don’t forget the cofactors! B6, Bicarbonate & Boron (more about cofactors below)
(5) Chewable Magnesium Malate
Magnesium Malate is said to be energizing so try this in the morning, just in case.
Don’t forget the cofactors! B6, Bicarbonate & Boron (more about cofactors below)
(6) Powdered Magnesium Malate (put in a smoothie? Give to your child?)
Magnesium Malate is said to be energizing so try this in the morning, just in case.
Don’t forget the cofactors! B6, Bicarbonate & Boron (more about cofactors below)
(7) Liquid Remag
Don’t forget the cofactors! B6, Bicarbonate & Boron (more about cofactors below)
(8) Capsules of Magnesium Theronate
Magnesium Threonate is supposed to be good for anxiety and brain-focusing; I’ve tried it, just to mix things up.
Don’t forget the cofactors! B6, Bicarbonate & Boron (more about cofactors below)
How to Get the Cofactors:
(3-5 a day)
🌀liquid boron drops
🌀sodium bicarbonate:
make a magnesium bath and add sodium bicarbonate to it; recipes for adults and children here:
🌀magnesium bicarbonate:
“mag water, “recipe here:
🌀 (further down the page )
💠The Magnesium Advocacy Group/The Root Cause Protocol/RCP says: 🌀Consume Local Bee Pollen and grassfed cow’s liver to get B Vitamins, and does not advocate supplements.
💠Biomed Groups advocate B supplements. Once you have your foundation set, and you are accustomed to taking magnesium and it’s cofactors, then you are set to add in the B Vitamins! Click here to learn how to add in the B Vitamins.
Do Not Forget to take care of your Adrenals; you need potassium, salt and Whole Food C to balance
out all the magnesium:
Here’s a transcript from an interview that Morley did and he talks about the adrenals and the adrenal cocktail.
Morley: “what’s important is that make sure that you’re supporting the adrenals because they sodium need for functions, with sodium and potassium, and what I’d typically recommend for people is that if you’re facing burnout and you want to start working with Magnesium at the very least do what is called the adrenal cocktail and take half a cup of fresh great squeezed orange juice, a quarter of a teaspoon of sea salt, a quarter of a teaspoon of cream of Tartar, mix that together and drink mid-morning and or mid-afternoon so that you’re nourishing the adrenals with the wholefood vitamin C that you need with the fresh squeezed orange juice, don’t do it with Tropicana because it’s no good, freshly squeezed orange juice to get the vitamin C, then the minerals that can be found in the sea salt and the cream of Tartar, you have a great way to balance the adrenals that provide the support that they need in order to restore the Magnesium that is so will essential for the client to work effectively.”
Adrenal Cocktail: Take on an empty stomach at 10:00 a.m. & 2:00 p.m./3:00 p.m.
The B Supplements provided below have been discussed in biomed groups, and I’m giving credit to Rowyn A. (Thiamine Queen 👑)
Here is more discussion, and her permission is given:
You can now go to the Vitamin B Page to Learn more
From link just above:
“B Minus takes out the methylated Bs since even with the need for methylation, many kids cannot take the methyl forms and [do not] tolerate them very well. You need ALL the Bs for methylation, really.”
If you are taking B Minus,
then you have the option to choose what forms of B12 and folate you want to take on the side…1/4 [for a child] capsule in the a.m., with MAG, which can be given throughout the day. If it makes him hyper/irritated, keep going with the mag first then try to re-add the Bs…
You can add the methyl B12 and methyl folate separately [later, once you have the B minus on board and tolerated], we use adeno and hydroxy B12 here. I only give methyl folate every few days since my child doesn’t do well with methyl donors. These nutrients don’t ‘just’ support methylation, either 🙂 There are many other body processes they [these nutrients] are a necessary component of.”
I would only add that you need lots of magnesium to offset the B6. B6 can be irritating and increases phenol and Sulphur issues when magnesium is too low, EVEN though they badly need it. Also, B Minus should be your base starting point, give it in the morning, its energizing. Some kids may react with a flush to the niacin in the B Minus. This is harmless but alarming. Giving a dose of niacinamide with the B Minus can help. You CAN also use a B complex that has methyl B12 and methyl folate, I like Thorne’s B6 complex, if your child tolerates those. Most kids will need ADDITIONAL and SEPERATE B1, B2 and sometimes even more B6 in the afternoon too. Worry about those after you get the B Minus going. Some people just give 1/2 a B Minus in the morning and 1/2 in the afternoon when starting out too.
So there’s a supplement w/ just B12 and methyl folate? Apparently, such as:
Vital Nutrients B12 & Methylfolate
“B Minus does NOT have quite as much active B6, p-5-p, as I would like to see, and they do have some pyridoxine, which is the other form of B6. The kids who are already well adjusted with magnesium will be able to tolerate it, but they will likely need additional B6 in the form of p-5-p.
Seeking Health brand has B6 in the form of p-5-p as well, in 25 mg capsules……
Note it [Seeking Health B Minus] has extra B5; for those using higher dose biotin, you can give the biotin at other times and use this in the AM and you should have enough B5″
quoting Rowyn: Biotin in HIGH dose should be given away from the other Bs, you can give some with the others. I would try very hard to give a B complex versus separate Bs in the morning at least… You only need the B2 when you are giving extra thiamine above the amount in the B complex.”
When foundation of magnesium & it’s cofactors is in place, then B minus, then B minus with B12, then B minus, B12 & B1 & B2 Here’s B1 thiamine:…
More here:
DISCLAIMER: this is my running worksheet – I’m learning, collecting, gathering, collating, information…
(October 2015): ok now I’m taking 2 kinds of magnesium and Cod liver oil! & whole food vitamin C! Magnesium Bicarbonate! Boron! (Still going July 2017!) (still going September 2019)
What I do with my free time:
Apparently it’s really important to have a foundation of Magnesium and then you add in your Bs… #Magnesium and the #Bs
- My-Magnesium is a great place to start! It belongs to an Administrator of the
- Magnesium Advocacy fb group, an excellent research-based group.
- Got Mag:
- How to restore Magnesium
- Link to my Notes from the Magnesium Advocacy Group
Maintenance levels of Mag: 5mgs per lb of your body weight (if you are breastfeeding, add baby’s weight to your own and calculate accordingly).
I believe this is for Elemental Magnesium; here is a site to calculate elemental mag
Along with the Magnesium, you need to take it’s co-factors!
o vitamin B-6 gets Maggie into cells…
o Bicarbonate gets Maggie into Mitochondria…
o Boron keeps Maggie in cells
Thiamine works WITH magnesium, any magnesium deficiency will automatically mean a thiamine deficiency. Look up Dr Lonsdale and thiamine, he’s the guru on B1…
A Review of the Biochemistry, Metabolism and Clinical Benefits of Thiamin(e) and Its Derivatives
- Magnesium citrate, and other forms of Citrate, damages Ceruloplasmin
Magnesium Citrate (Natural Calm) destroys the enzyme function of ceruloplasmin.
Do Not Forget to take care of your Adrenals; you need potassium, salt and whole food C to balance out all the magnesium:
Here’s a transcript from an interview that Morley did and he talks about the adrenals and the adrenal cocktail.
Morley: “what’s important is that make sure that you’re supporting the adrenals because they sodium need for functions, with sodium and potassium, and what I’d typically recommend for people is that if you’re facing burnout and you want to start working with Magnesium at the very least do what is called the adrenal cocktail and take half a cup of fresh great squeezed orange juice, a quarter of a teaspoon of sea salt, a quarter of a teaspoon of cream of Tartar, mix that together and drink mid-morning and or mid-afternoon so that you’re nourishing the adrenals with the wholefood vitamin C that you need with the fresh squeezed orange juice, don’t do it with Tropicana because it’s no good, freshly squeezed orange juice to get the vitamin C, then the minerals that can be found in the sea salt and the cream of Tartar, you have a great way to balance the adrenals that provide the support that they need in order to restore the Magnesium that is so will essential for the client to work effectively.”
Adrenal Cocktail: Take on an empty stomach at 10:00 a.m. & 2:00 p.m./3:00 p.m.
Many many people rave about epsom salt baths. I haven’t had one yet… doesn’t mean I won’t try one soon!
For children under 60 lbs, add 1/2 cup to a standard bath.
For children 60 lbs to 100 lbs, add 1 cup to a standard bath.
For people 100 lbs and up, add 2 cups or more to a standard bath.
For children under 60 lbs, add 1/4th cup to a standard bath.
For children 60 lbs to 100 lbs, add 1/2 cup to a standard bath.
For people 100 lbs and up, add 1 cup to a standard bath.
MAGNESIUM WATER (yes, this is sitting in my refrigerator and yes, I am drinking this!)
First you need to find a Milk of Magnesia w/o any added ingredients
Dollar General’s generic store brand does not (this is what I use)
Good Sense brand does not have anything added
(OR you can make your own: 1 & 1/4 teaspoon of Magnesium Oxide Powder: you have to mix the powder with warm water first, so that it completely dissolves. Otherwise, it crystallizes when cold.)
1 liter bottle of COLD carbonated water
sparkling mineral water or seltzer water
not club soda or tonic water
pour some of the water into a glass (displaces some out of the bottle)
add 3 Tablespoons of MoM into the liter bottle (that’s missing some that’s in that glass)
[(OR you can make your own, add: 1 & 1/4 teaspoon of Magnesium Oxide Powder: you have to mix the powder with warm water first, so that it completely dissolves. Otherwise it crystallizes when cold.)]
screw on the cap
carbonation disappears
add that water from the glass back in
close cap
you now have Mag Water
add a splash to your water any time you’re drinking
or add a splash to any beverage, cold or hot
don’t drink w/ meals
each ounce of Mag Water ( 2 US Tablespoons) concentrate has about 45mg of elemental Mg
you can ALSO get a Hair Mineral Test Analysis (HTMA) done at a discount if you join the Magnesium Advocacy fb group, which will help you know what, if any, supplements/dietary changes, vitamins/minerals, etc, you need before you start popping pills/supplements willy-nilly.
Read about Hormone D (it’s a Hormone, not a vitamin)
Gretchen (link above) writes: the majority of labs will be covered as part of an “annual wellness” physical. However, its always good to call/email your insurance and let them know what tests your doctor wants to run – When I first started figuring how how to get insurance to pay for my labs I sent in the list my doctor wanted to run. They came back and told me all the labs were covered as long as my doctor used the correct ICD codes. I then asked them what ICD codes would get them covered and UHC told me exactly which ICDs would cover the labs based on my current ICD diagnosis. Remember you have a diagnosis, and that means those diagnosis codes (ICD) are yours and you’re entitled to them. Here’s the list I used to get labs run. I also have a free e-course you can use to help get your labs paid for. I wrote them to help others navigate Health Insurance. Always check with your insurance provider first before getting labs. I’ve figured this out, after years of navigating the Military, VA and commercial healthcare systems and needed to share it. if you sign up for the e-course and don’t get the courses w/in 3 days – please let me know in a PM on my FB page or via email and I’ll get it fixed.

Glycinate at nightTo go with your magnesium…Boron (another co-factor):You need 3-9 mg daily of boron and a B Complex (this is in the Jigsaw SRT I’m taking & the Bee Pollen- go to your local farmer’s market & try to find pollen local to you) and bicarbonate (I’m getting this from Magnesium Water. This is explained above!) (hmm…this is an ingredient in the PPI compounds…)Here’s Liquid Magnesium: Perhaps you can give this straight to your babies? I’d say toddlers, for sure. Make sure to remember the cofactors! These are mineral drops I put into my drinks and my family’s.You can also mix Magnesium Oxide Powder (this is what’s in Milk of Magnesia) I’ll find a recipe to make Milk of Magnesia soon…Magnesium Threonate is supposed to be good for anxiety and brain-focusing; I’ve tried it, just to mix things up.”Magnesium Bath”Getting magnesium through your skin (transdermal)
A bath has two to three cups of Epsom salt, about a cup of bicarbonate (baking soda) and about two tablespoons of Borax (Borax has Boron. Boron is a cofactor of Magnesium).
Here’s a link to the Different Forms of Magnesium & their uses/what they’re good for
THIS is Whole Food C. I use Innate Response. We need this kind of C, not ascorbic acid.
Morley Writes: Herbet Mansmann, MD was one of my heroes — few understood Mg with the depth of sophistication & subtlety that he did… I’ve also had the good fortune of chatting on several occasions with Ronald Elin, MD, PhD, a noted expert on pathology and blood measurements of Mg… (referred to in the 1st sentence…)
But my PRIMARY source of using Mag RBC comes by way of Charles Poliquin who is an internationally recognized & respected trainer. He won’t TOUCH a client until their Mag RBC is at 6.0mg/dL or better because he knows in the field of exercise physiology — the world of health, strength & vitality — that Mag RBC is where it’s at.
(this is one of a dozen articles that he has explaining the virtues and the importance of Maggie, and the need to measure an intracellular mineral in its MEDIUM — INSIDE THE CELL… it makes NO SENSE to measure an intracellular mineral OUTSIDE the cell, which is what serum is…
Finally, I put a great deal of stock in a document that I came across that was published by the USDA in 1962 that was a monograph on Magnesium. It VERY CLEARLY put the spotlight on the value & use of Mag RBC as the preferred means of assessing Mg status — at least back when every other was NOT dealing with Diabeties, Obesity, NOR addicted to Rx meds…
Hope that offers much needed context on this issue. Quite frankly, the LAST place I would go for advice re how to measure and act on Mg status would be a group of professionals that have acted to censor its presence in medical textbooks since the turn of the century…
Here’s the analogy I regularly use with clients…
When we’re baking cookies, are we concerned with the Kitchen Room Temp (Serum) or the Oven Temp (RBC)?… Truth be known, it doesn’t really matter whether the Kitchen is 68 or 78 degrees… BUT, It DOES matter that the oven is 350 degrees!…
And when it comes to the metabolism of the cell, it’s ALL about what’s going on INSIDE the oven… 😉
Context is KING…
A votre sante!
note to self: Multi-Copper Oxidases and Human Iron Metabolism
(helps explain the interplay between Copper enzymes & the regulation of Iron)
Rosita brand is supposed to be the most clean
I finally got used to this Nordic Natural but now use the lemon Nordic Natural
For children under 60 lbs, add 1/2 cup to a standard bath.
For children 60 lbs to 100 lbs, add 1 cup to a standard bath.
For people 100 lbs and up, add 2 cups or more to a standard bath.
For children under 60 lbs, add 1/4th cup to a standard bath.
For children 60 lbs to 100 lbs, add 1/2 cup to a standard bath.
For people 100 lbs and up, add 1 cup to a standard bath.
Now onto Iron?
Onto Breastfeeding And Zinc ?