o Migraines are triggered by Histamine response…
o Histamines are regulated by Cp (Ceruloplasmin)…
o Histamines, made by Mast Cells, increase with Mg Def…
o Cp is dysregulated by XS, Unbound Iron…
o CoQ10, which has relationships w/ Copper & Mg, seems to play a key role in helping to alleviate Migraines…
o Allopecia is a clinical sign of Iron-induced Oxidative Stress…
Magnesium is the mineral of Motion…
Iron is the mineral of Stagnation…
(Calcium is the mineral of Cement… )
Manage the minerals… manage the Migraines.
Article, on Histamine Intolerance:
Please study Fig 1 very carefully to FULLY understand how Histamine Intolerance is the GATEWAY to most chronic conditions and issues…
Folks with LOW Maggie, and LOW Bioavailable Copper produce the MOST Mast Cells… XS, Unbound Iron AGGRAVATES this condition…
I’d like to think that knowing ^^^^ you get my program and why I think that these are resolvable issues, ONCE you understand and accept that it’s the Iron at the center of your problem and lack of KEY minerals to run vital enzymes to address, regulate & de-grade Histamines..
Suggestions for Medical Doctors:
o Measure Magnesium RBC on ALL clients… (if it’s below 6.5 mg/dL, that’s a KEY factor…)
o Measure Ceruloplasmin status on ALL clients… (If it’s below 35 mg/dL, that CRITICAL factor for Iron dysregulation…)
o Measure FULL Iron Panels on ALL clients… (It’s the bookends of Iron proteins that reveal ALL… Ferritin is NOT a part of the ACTIVE Iron metabolism… It only became “vogue” in the early 80’s after it’s “discovery” in 1972, Lancet)
Morley, on Pregnancy:
Moms To Be…
So, based on my research, Magnesium is ridiculously important for BOTH Mom & Bambino before, during & after the delivery. And the BEST assessment for your Mg status is the Mag RBC, which I would STRONGLYadvise ALL Moms To Be get and regular update each Tri-mester…
Here’s an article written by a recognized Anesthesiologist in London that you might want to share with your favorite OB:
(Please note the FIRST topic he addresses is Mg in Obstetrics… possibly because it’s THAT important?… wink emoticon )
Now for the BAD news…
If you stopped Maggie for just a couple days and your symptoms of Mg deficiency come RAGING back, esp. the Restless Legs…, then I’m suspecting that there’s an imbalance in Iron that is EASILY dysregulated in these days of confusion re how to properly interpret an Iron Panel blood test…
If you’ve NOT gotten this blood test yet, again, for the sake of both Mom & baby, please do so:
Please know, I gain NO economic benefit from pimping these Lab tests… I do, however, gain GREAT psychic benefit from knowing that the tides of Insanity & I(ron)gnorance are kept at bay — if only just a bit…
And last licks… please know the MAG rules… if any girls get born, their middle name’s gotta be “Maggie!”… 😉
Know that Copper & Cp go crazy during Pregnancy… I’ve never been able to find a reliable source for what the blood markers should be at each stage of the pregnancy. I’m sure that it exists, but despite my prowess for research, it’s still elusive…
I would be going “out-of-pocket” for testing and NOT waiting for the System to catch up to your level of awareness and enlightenment…