Tips & Tricks
Keep an OPEN MIND!! It’s up to you to sort out the quackery from the legitimate!
Keep finding answers! You are your baby’s advocate!
Babywearing! Wear that baby! Hold that baby! Go on Facebook and find your local babywearing community! Go online and find out about different carriers! I loved them all: ring sling, pouch, wrap, soft-structured carrier, all!
Swaddle! Wrap up your baby like a burrito! “But my baby doesn’t like it!” I have one piece of advice: try it again! Read about the Harvey Karp “Shhh!”
Pacifiers! They are worth a try! My reflux baby was addicted. My second child never would take one! Try different brands!
Car Seats! Keep your baby safe! Sometimes the infant seat helps, but it’s not safe to keep your baby in it for long periods of time (out of the car); read about it! Sometimes the angle of the infant seat puts pressure on their sensitive bellies; look into car seats, like the Britax that not only go from infant to toddler, are safe, AND promote extended rear-facing! Plus, if you use a “non-bucket” seat, you can wear your baby from the house to the car and from the car to out & about!
Chiropractic Care: Some swear by it! I brought my son! Did it help? Well, it certainly didn’t hurt and, he enjoyed it!
Craneal Sacral Therapy: research!
Infant Massage: My son enjoyed it!
Listed above are some things that have helped some babies. These are not cures, and, as always, consult with your doctor.
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And, if you can’t find what you’re looking for, please post a question!
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