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- This topic has 13 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 12 years, 1 month ago by
January 12, 2011 at 3:46 pm #67551
InactiveWhat a roller coaster the last 6 months have been, dealing with a baby who has reflux/allergy issues! I can say that Miles is doing better now than he has been in a long time since I think we finally have the reflux under control. However, I still haven’t figured his allergies out. His GI suspected a milk protein allergy so we did a Neocate trial with no luck….broke out in the worst rash yet and acted like he felt terrible. So after examining the ingredients of the formulas he did best and worst on I decided that he has some kind of allergy/sensitivity to corn syrup. Now he is on Baby’s Only Organic, which is brown rice based. But I think he’s having trouble with the milk protein in it. He has permanent reddish blue circles under his eyes and a red bumpy rash on his face most days. He also has the red ring around his anus all the time as well as some eczema. Our doctor is against trying soy since he would probably be sensitive to that too. Well, so what else is there when your child might be allergic to corn syrup and milk protein? I gave him a wheat teething biscuit the other day and I think that broke him out as well! Can someone please give me some direction? Thanks so much!
January 12, 2011 at 6:08 pm #67557hellbennt
Keymasteryes! you’re onto something, mama!
there have been other babies who cannot tolerate corn!go to the second post on this page, by Alexis mom:January 12, 2011 at 8:19 pm #67562Anonymous
InactiveThank you, Laura. I will check it out! I also forgot to mention that he is constipated all the time with mucus mixed in it once in awhile. He’s also on Allegra and Hydroxyzine for apparent ‘seasonal allergies’ but I’m starting to think it’s all related to the milk protein.
January 12, 2011 at 11:34 pm #67563Anonymous
InactiveWow thanks for posting this information. I asked my son’s GI if it was possible that he had a corn allergy, and he acted like it was unheard of. Thanks for posting the link Laura.
January 13, 2011 at 7:43 am #67568hellbennt
KeymasterAnything’s possible…unfortunately…
I don’t usually go posting this at first, because it IS rare – not UNheard of, but not very common- if a parent has figured it out, well just more proof that PARENTS KNOW THEIR BABIESJanuary 13, 2011 at 12:37 pm #67571Anonymous
InactiveI couldn’t believe it might be true when it first crossed my mind, or more like hit me like a ton of bricks, that he might be sensitive to corn syrup. Then the nightmare began of trying to find something to feed him that didn’t have corn syrup in it! Not easy. And now that it’s becoming apparent that he’s still having problems the only thing I can find that might work is soy. But I am pretty set against giving him soy due to the whole phytoestrogen controversy. I just don’t know what else, if anything, is out there besides soy for a baby sensitive to corn and milk protein. ARG!
January 13, 2011 at 5:57 pm #67574hellbennt
Keymasterthere is a formula from this link
it’s a formula w/ rice syrup instead (that’s how I did the search, looking for rice syrup)are you asking after formula what a baby would move-on to?hellbennt2011-01-13 17:58:48
January 13, 2011 at 10:21 pm #67581Anonymous
InactiveOh, I haven’t even begun to think about what we’ll do when it’s time to move past formula! I am looking for a formula that does not contain corn syrup or soy. I don’t think it’s out there. The formula mentioned in the above link sounds great, but it is soy based, unless I understood it wrong. I have Miles on the Baby’s Only Organic, which is brown rice based, but it still contains the milk proteins. Seems a little hopeless sometimes.
January 14, 2011 at 5:07 pm #67589hellbennt
Keymastermaybe try their (Baby’s Only) lactose free one? I have a big problem w/ lactose free formulas because it’s not the lactose but the milk protein that babies have difficulty with, but it might be worth a shot?
this is from the link:We were then seening a pediatric nutritionist that did a lot of research on formulas and she came up with a formula that is used in the NICU it is call Ross Carbohydrate Free Soy– It contains no corn or corn syrup, I had to add my own carbohdrate which I used Brown Rice Syrup. Taylor seem to tolerate that formula so much better. I did 1/2 goat’s milk and 1/2 RCF as a transition just to make sure there was no reaction to the soy and then I went 100% RCF.
Maybe they make one that is not soy based?contact them?January 16, 2011 at 2:52 am #67602Anonymous
InactiveI am brand new to this board but your son sounds a lot like mine. OMGosh I am busting at the seems with so much I could say. My son is almost 2 and had milk sensitivity issues has SEVERE reflux and is allergic to corn. We did not figure out the corn allergy until he was almost 18 months old. Have you tried giving your son, Allimentum Ready to Feed formula? After discovering his corn allergy we realized that the only time his reflux let up was during the two weeks that we had him on Allimentum ready to feed formula when he was 2 months old. I did some research and it is has ZERO corn in it.
There is so much that I could talk to you about reflux and corn allergies but I’ll leave it this so I don’t seem to creepy or weird. 🙂
TiffanyJanuary 16, 2011 at 9:14 am #67603Anonymous
Inactivemrsharte- I find it extremely amazing and odd the differences in the powdered formula and the ready to feed formula. I was also looking at Alimentum for my refluxer and seen that the casien(milk protein) was 17.5% compared to the 2.7% I believe in the ready to feed formula.
My baby is on Nutramigen, only because I am tired of playing the switch a roo game with formula’s. She was breastfed exclusively for the first 2 weeks until my supply suddenly vanished, then we put her on Similac Advance ready to feed, when she started having slight issues, but when we switched to the powder stuff as its cheaper, her symptoms really took a turn for the worse.
I noticed this on Enfamil AR too. She had slight constipation, not bad on the AR ready to feed, but severe gas and constipation on the powder. I never looked into it before as I didn’t honestly think the formula’s ingredients were much different from ready to feed compared to the powder, but there is.
I just wanted to throw this in here as you recommended the ready to feed formula vs the powder, and I have to agree, although a bit more expensive, the ready to feed stuff seems to agree with babies a lot better(well my baby anyways)
The Alimentum powder does contain corn, or corn products, that is the first ingredient in both Nutramigen and Alimentum powders, Nutramigen doesn’t make a ready to feed or at least I haven’t been able to find it. So to hear that the Alimentum ready to feed does not have corn in it is amazing to hear.
January 16, 2011 at 9:25 am #67605hellbennt
KeymasterWelcome Tiffany!
So glad to have someone to help!That’s what we’re all aboutI don’t find you creepy or weird, (at least not yet, HA!) LOL!~lauraDecember 18, 2012 at 2:32 am #71319Anonymous
InactiveHi, what formula did you use before finding ou about corn allergy?
December 19, 2012 at 5:44 pm #71320hellbennt
Keymastersometimes mamas seem to figure it out from reactions.
the above poster, mom2amiracle, tried various formulas and saw reactions and then she thought it might be the corn- the alumentum rtf (ready to feed) doesn’t have corn in it (I think it doesn’t?)
there is also a difference between intolerances and allergies. a baby can react to a protein (corn) and have a reaction and it could be an issue of being intolerant to that protein, rather than an allergy.
best EXPLANATION OF FOOD ALLERGIES/INTOLERANCES and their RELATION TO REFLUX that I have found, to date: 2nd post: https://www.infantreflux.org/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=2697&PN=2
Sheri’s allergy/intolerance explanation: https://www.infantreflux.org/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=10223&PID=87638#87638
intolerance/allergy post:
Exposure to foods & blood testing: https://www.infantreflux.org/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=12993
Accuracy of allergy testing & great post by sherri explaining IgE and IgG (intolerance/allergies)
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